Apex Legends: Valkyrie Abilities Reveal

Valkyrie’s Abilities have been showcased in the recent Legacy Gameplay Trailer (4:17), which premiered today. Check out the trailer below:

Gameplay Trailer

A big takeaway from the gameplay trailer is Arenas. New (and permanent) to the upcoming season, Arenas boasts a new way to play Apex Legends. Read more on Arenas here.

Introducing: Valkyrie

  • Passive: VTOL Jets – Press Jump while in the air to engage jetpack. You can switch between hold and toggle in the options menu. Also, her jetpack is quite loud. While Valkyrie can engage her jetpack while in the air to fly upward, you can’t fly indefinitely. Valk’s jetpack has a fuel meter and it needs time to recharge after depleting.
  • Tactical: Missile Swarm – Fires a swarm of mini-rockets that damage and disorient the enemy. These missile will create multiple small explosions, but don’t do a massive amount of damage. However, they will shortly stun enemies. Weakened enemies will have an electricity VFX on their bodies.
  • Ultimate: Skyward Dive – Press once to prepare for launch. Teammates who interact with Valkyrie prior to her launch can shoot into the sky with her. Press again to launch into the air and skydive.

About Valkryie: She isn’t an assault–she’s a Recon. Similar to Pathfinder, Bloodhound, and Crypto, Valkyrie can scan Survey Beacons to reveal the next circle’s location. Valk’s radar highlights enemies in her line of sight while she’s skydiving, taking a balloon, or using her ultimate, providing excellent intel for her allies.

Players can hit the skies with Valkyrie very soon. Legacy, Apex Legends’ ninth season, kicks off on Tuesday, May 4.

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